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7月8日のNew York Timesの記事に、ハーバード大学とMITがトランプ政権を起訴したという記事がありました。




原文引用元:The New York Times Coronavirus Briefing “How can schools reopen safely”

How can schools reopen safely?




The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention(米国疾病予防管理センター)は学校を再開するためのガイドラインを発行しました。これには、生徒と従業員が到着した時にスクリーニングをし、リスクの高い者を保護するための準備などの推奨事項が含まれます。トランプ大統領は本日、これらのガイドラインを”非常に難しく、高額”と主張し、数時間後マイクペンス副大統領は、C.D.C(米国疾病予防管理センター)は来週新しいガイドラインを出すとアナウンスしました。

~略~  The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has issued guidelines for reopening schools, which include recommendations like screening students and employees when they arrive and preparing to protect those at higher risk. President Trump assailed those guidelines today as “very tough and expensive,” and hours later Vice President Mike Pence announced that the C.D.C. would issue new recommendations next week.

アメリカの人々が、新しいガイドラインを待つ間、全米最大の学校制度があるNew York Cityは、するためのモデルと提供するかもしれません。


While Americans wait for the revised guidance, New York City, home to the nation’s largest school system, may offer a model for moving forward. Under Mayor Bill de Blasio’s plan, released today, public schools will not fully reopen in the fall. Instead, schools will open only one to three days a week and will use a mix of online and in-person learning. The goal is to limit the number of people in a classroom to about a dozen.


Perhaps the biggest hurdle in bringing children back to school is funding. It’s estimated that schools would need $200 billion to safely welcome back students, but Congress has offered just $13.5 billion so far.

トランプ大統領は本日(7月8日)、秋に学校を完全に再開することを拒否する学校への連邦政府の援助を遮断すると脅迫しました。しかし、ビジネスインサイダーのデビッド・プラッツ氏は子供たちをクラスに戻してほしいのであれば数十億ドルの緊急資金をリクエストし、追加の教室を作って、Social Distanceに対応したりして資金を提供したらいいのではないかと主張した。


Mr. Trump today threatened to cut off federal aid to schools that refuse to fully reopen in the fall. But if he wants children back in class, argues David Plotz of Business Insider, he could help by requesting billions in emergency funds that could, for example, add extra classroom space to promote social distancing or fund a national teaching corps of recent college graduates similar to Teach for America. Even if schools reopen in the fall, parents would still need to feel safe before they send their children to class. The preconditions, then, are the same as those for restarting the economy: a sense of security that comes through testing, contact tracing and a downward trajectory of cases.

Chaos in higher education



American colleges and universities are also in a state of uncertainty, as officials race to finalize fall plans, train teachers on remote learning and figure out how best to limit exposure to the virus on campus.



Many elite universities like Harvard and Princeton have announced that courses will take place entirely or mostly online, with only some students returning to campus. (President Trump called Harvard’s decision “ridiculous” and “the easy way out.”) Most community colleges are also going digital. Many public universities and small private colleges, though, have decided to bring all their students back. Unlike the elite schools, which can attract students no matter what, most of these colleges may face deep financial trouble if students delay enrollment or demand discounts for remote learning.


Across the country, thousands of faculty members have told administrators they are unwilling to teach in person because of safety concerns. After intense criticism, the University System of Georgia reversed a policy on masks, requiring them in classrooms instead of merely “encouraging” them.


A decision this week by the Immigration and Customs Enforcement agency to revoke the visas of foreign students enrolled only in online courses has thrown another wrench into the system. Harvard and M.I.T. sued the Trump administration today to block the policy, which was widely seen as a way to pressure colleges into reopening and which could force many students to leave the U.S.

